Exclusive designer tables made of root wood

Kauri Root Wood Tables - Extraordinary Works of Art from Nature

Designer tables and dining tables made from one piece of root

Special and rare unique pieces represent root tables. Fascinating natural features and intergrowths characterize these precious table tops. These natural features give the wooden tables from a kauri root a unique charm. In addition, the natural intergrowths refined with epoxy resin form beautiful "lakescapes".

Design table and unique dining table with valuable table top made of solid root natural wood with epoxy resin as a unique item
Design table from artistic natural wood root

Wonders of nature

Due to the imposing size of the ancient giant Kauri swamp trees, I can make large table tops in one piece. The processing of the loose and porous bark and the golden amber that a kauri root typically contains, requires a lot of handwork, intuition and patience to make a unique natural wood designer table from this noble wood.

Root wood offers the most valuable wood on the Kauri tree for an artistic natural wood table.

I invite you to visit me in my manufactory in Goch on the Lower Rhine, here I make according to your wishes expertly with high quality features a unique and fascinating unique table with certificate - handmade in Germany. Everything from one source.

General information about my Kauri wood tables and the way to your desired table, you will find on the page Infos Kauri wood table.

Below you can see root wooden tables that I have made for customers:

Root wood table that touches the senses

Unique number


Real wood table made of beautiful burl wood with ingrown bark and shining golden amber in crystal-clear epoxy resin as a permanent eye-catcher in the extraordinary table top.

Enhance your home with a noble natural work of art and enjoy an extraordinary unique piece every day. Feel the warmth, peace and strength that the beautiful thousand-year-old Kauri wood with its long history radiates.

to the table ...

Unique designer luxury dining table

Unique number


By luxury table I mean a first-class design furniture that is not overpriced and includes all (!) Quality features: Uniqueness, exclusivity, high quality workmanship, handmade, first-class service and advice, durability, suitability as an investment and heirloom - all from one source.

to the table ...

Value investment Kauri natural wood table

Unique number


Exclusive Kauri root table with glass legs and impressive natural character. A unique design furniture with a table top cut in one piece from the root of a giant kauri tree. The root typical natural features such as bark ingrowths with amber contained in them, filled with epoxy resin, give the natural wood table its uniqueness.

to the table ...

Easy care designer dining table made of burl wood

Unique number


Large designer dining table with artfully grown root table top. The naturally grown cracks, depressions with bark parts are poured with epoxy resin and offer a beautiful eye-catcher. A natural work of art that can be used daily as a dining table with a moisture-resistant surface finish.

to the table ...

Unique piece made from fascinating root

Unique number


The fascinating root wood with its primal natural characteristics is also reflected in this incomparable design table. Organic natural edges processed by hand to hand flatterers and impressive "natural landscapes" characterize the ancient Kauri table top. The modern glass feet take a back seat and support the beautiful charisma of the Kauri wood table.

to the table ...

Globally unique natural wood tables

Only the prehistoric Kauri root wood offers the possibility to make tables with ingrown golden amber original from the Kauri tree with a beautiful eye-catcher. This is how I produce unique tables worldwide, which do not have to be too expensive by bypassing the trade.

Wooden tables from kauri root are unique designer tables

The root of the thousand-year-old Kauri tree is ideal for a unique designer wooden table and exclusive work of nature art. The primitive Kauri table tops show the typical changeable growth of the root in all directions. In the finished treated table top, this is reflected in a fascinating appearance in the form of color changes and an optical three-dimensional valley and mountain landscape. Further explanation of tables with epoxy resin.

Exclusive dining table top with original amber in epoxy resin made of special Kauri root wood, Exclusive designer wooden table nature artwork
Globally unique natural wood tables with gold-colored amber in epoxy resin

Through my special treatment, I emphasize the natural growth and it creates a homogeneous, moisture-resistant and smooth surface with no wood particles protruding. Thus, even a natural and "wild" grown tabletop is easy to clean and feels very soft to the touch.

Special table top from the unique natural wood table made from pristine burl wood with epoxy resin and amber
Easy-care surface despite root characteristics with cracks and openings due to special processing

Oversized wooden tables made from one piece of wood

Unusual table with large table top made of root and tree trunk wood as a special conference table the rare dining table
Imposing table with 410 x 140 cm table top made of root and tree trunk wood grown in one piece (to the table)

Large table tops grown from a root in one piece are rare and special unique pieces.

The giant kauri trees offer great root system, thereby I can make unprecedentedly large root tables, for example, as an outstanding conference table or extraordinary dining table, which have grown in its entire size in one piece. The dimensions range here to an imposing size of up to 4 to 5 meters in length and a width of up to 2 meters.

Brittle but valuable kauri root wood

Valuable burl wood table top of a large conference table, unique one-off dining tables and special design tables with epoxy resin
Root wood table top with loose bark, knots and amber

To make utilitarian items such as dining tables and design tables from this special natural material, I use high quality epoxy resin. This has positive properties, the root wood is tightly sealed and all its beauty comes out. In addition, it offers valuable help in designing tables, such as color design, inlays of amber or even ideal values such as jewelry, gold, coins and so on. More info about tables with epoxy resin.

Unique wooden table as a high-quality conference table made of kauri root also as a particularly large dining table in Luxembourg
Unique conference table made from a giant kauri root grown in one piece, 280 x 210 x 10 cm


Kings of furniture making

For me, tables made from these large root slabs are the kings of furniture making. Everything that a spectacular and masterful piece of furniture can contain comes together here:

  • the charisma like that of a natural work of art
  • at the sight of the fascinating natural growth of the root table tops, the imagination and creativity of the viewer is developed
  • true uniqueness of this root wooden tables
  • Prehistoric up to 50,000 year history of ancient kauri wood
  • each Kauri table with age certificate and own unique number
  • Long-term value retention and the substance of a future tangible asset with inflation protection
  • Durability due to the robustness of the wood and very high quality processing
  • even after decades, the table top can be replaced in new condition
  • no kauri tree has to be cut down for a wooden table, the trees have long since reached their natural end, therefore kauri tables are particularly sustainable
  • the kauri wood for making furniture is only available in limited quantities
  • no man can reproduce what nature is capable of, visible in these incomparable specimens. Humility and reverence for nature not infrequently arises.

The beauty and incomparable expressiveness that emerge after processing make each root table an outstanding unique piece.

For me, it is a special privilege to witness how, with every step of the work, what was initially inconspicuous and sometimes crumbly root wood is transformed into a limited piece of furniture in a class of its own.

High quality Kauri wood table in Luxembourg made of limited root wood one piece one unique furniture quality unique piece
Kauri wooden table made from a 3.30 x 1.20 m x 12 cm root

The way to your personal Kauri dream table

I invite you to come to my manufactory. Here I will be happy to show you finished Kauri table tops and my working methods in person. On the basis of unprocessed blanks, you can choose the tabletop of your choice, from which I will expertly make your personal Kauri wood tabletop in a high quality with a certificate and your own unique number.

Alternatively, you are welcome to visit me in my showroom on the Moselle if you come from the south or Luxembourg. Here I will show you the difference in natural character using kauri root and tree trunk table tops and pictures of corresponding blanks from my manufacture.